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Household linen by Les Pensionnaires 🛌

Posted by Adèle Beaucoup on

Today, we wanted to tell you about a favorite brand of household linen: Les Pensionnaires.

After returning to our offices (with precautions of course), we would like to introduce you to another of our neighbors at the Village des Créateurs in Lyon.

Les Pensionnaires is a brand of household linen created by Elsa in October 2018. And we have been neighbors since December 2019, just a few months. However, we already knew Elsa since she was part of the label's support program before coming to settle in the Village.

Elsa Garaix

Elsa has a background first in marketing , then in management consulting. She then worked at the Lumière Institute, "the Mecca of cinema" . She devoted 20 years to these different activities. Then an old dream seemed achievable to her, it is with this experience that Elsa considers that it is time for her to embark on the adventure of entrepreneurship. This old dream was to work in the interior design industry.

She therefore matured a project to create a brand of bed linen first, then household linen . With a very clear idea of ​​the spirit she wanted for this brand, she then consulted many other entrepreneurs to gather valuable advice .

The Les Pensionnaires adventure was thus launched.


Elsa works alone, with her past professional experience, she has a multiple hat that allows her to manage her business with a sure hand . Working alone was also a way for her to always be as close as possible to her expectations regarding her brand.

The boarders percale duvet cover with polka dots

As for Elsa's values ​​for Les Pensionnaires, they are very strong: quality, local, with a very present attention to detail. Les Pensionnaires products aim to be qualitative in the choice of fabrics and production. The latter is done entirely in Portugal , a country that has been able to make the most of its know-how in textiles. The household linen brand also makes a point of refining all its products. This is the " attention to detail " that Elsa often talks about. A classic style revisited with gold embroidery on each product: the brand's signature .

🎥 The anecdote of the day:

Elsa worked at the Lumière Institute and worked with Thierry Frémaux, its director who is also the general delegate of the Cannes Film Festival . Thierry Frémaux therefore knows Elsa and her brand well. He also decided to offer a Les Pensionnaires bed set to Quentin Tarantino on the occasion of his wedding to Daniella Pick in November 2018.

To think that one of his products is in the house of a famous director, that's an anecdote!

We are organizing a contest on our Instagram account @ateliersteustache with Les Pensionnaires and four other Lyon designers for Mother's Day . Come and participate, 6 great creations are up for grabs!

Mother's Day Instagram Contest 2020

This week's article is coming to an end, we hope you enjoyed it!
Next week, a surprise is being prepared…
Atelier St Eustache Créateurs Linge de maison Lyon Passage Thiaffait Village des Créateurs

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