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“To all our Wonder Moms”

Posted by Atelier St Eustache on

Although they have evolved over the past century, social injunctions continue to weigh on women. We must be able to run a house, know how to cook, plan balanced meals, be an outstanding lover, a model employee... but above all, the keystone: being a mother. For many, it is the ultimate accomplishment to move towards total fulfillment. But how do these Wonder Moms manage this place that is theirs in society while maintaining their own individuality? 

Social injunctions, these latent prescriptions which weigh on women

"Be a lady they said" , as Cynthia Nixon, cult actress of the series "Sex and The City" said in 2020 in her feminist video which denounced the pressure still too much exerted on women. Social injunctions require us to be multi-taskers, perfect and flawless. To know how to reconcile family life and professional life. But why is it so difficult to free ourselves from these injunctions? Although a revolution has been accomplished on a few continents thanks to the fight of women for years, it remains difficult for many of us to live as we wish. Without fearing any disapproval, to wait for authorization from who knows who, who knows what. 

“Be a lady they said”, Cynthia Nixon, 2020

The little sister of injunctions, the mental load

But although the sharing of tasks seems to be becoming more and more equitable within households (particularly because we are making our spouses aware of this type of subject), according to INSEE, in 2010, women still took on 64% of domestic tasks and 71% of parental tasks. This sociological principle called the "mental load" is defined by researcher Nicole Brais of Laval University in Quebec as: "this work of management, organization and planning that is both intangible and constant, and whose objectives are the satisfaction of everyone's needs and the smooth running of the residence." In short, the syndrome of women exhausted from having to think of everything, all the time, for everyone. This principle still represents today a flagrant example of gender inequalities in our society and proves all the more that mothers are indeed Wonder Moms. 

Podcast Recommendation: "Mamie dans les Orties". Inspiring stories of our grandmothers who fought to obtain rights, including the right to abortion, the ability to have a checkbook in their name, being able to get a driving license, sharing tasks, and so many other things!

Letting go, a good solution?

Today we are giving ourselves the opportunity to achieve beyond what is expected of us, to rise above our fears of family and professional legitimacy. We must free ourselves from what is expected in each of the areas we touch. In two words: let go. Learn to trust, to delegate to the people around us, become aware of the situation, know how to say no and above all, listen to ourselves. 

If you want more tips on this famous letting go, here is a great article from the blogger Maman Vogue which deals with the subject "The Holy Grail of "Letting Go"

So, to all our Wonder Moms, thank you, for everything you accomplish, everything you will still accomplish. You make the world go round.

And if you want to please a Wonder Mom for Mother's Day, we have lovingly put together an exclusive box that includes a selection of 3 pairs of socks. In their pretty box, these foot jewels will enchant them.

Charge mentale chaussettes chaussettes transparentes coffret féminisme fêtes des mères injonction maman wonder maman wonder woman

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