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Sinensem, teas as beautiful as they are good ☕

Posted by Adèle Beaucoup on

On these cold winter days (and evenings), I wanted to discuss a current topic with you: tea.

Yes, even though this winter is not the coldest we have known in our dear city of Lyon, a good cup of tea always warms the hearts. It is a seasonal accessory, one might say, that we like to enjoy in front of our computer or under a blanket in front of a good series. There are many combinations of flavors and intensity, tea is always nice to savor.

And for the occasion, I wanted to tell you about a brand in particular: Sinensem . In the Atelier St Eustache team (yes, we can talk about a team since it has grown again at the beginning of this year. Amandine has joined us and is in charge of the sales department) which is now made up of three people, there are three tea drinkers. This therefore requires a huge stock of dried leaves in the kitchen.

Violette therefore introduced us to this Sinensem brand, which she knows particularly well (but we will come back to that). And it was a great success! To try it was to adopt it. From now on, several small iron boxes appear regularly, and pass the ultimate taste test with our taste buds. Our selection of our favorite teas and infusions can be found at the end of this article.

A few words to know Sinensem better

For Aline and Olivier, drinking a cup of tea is much more than just a beverage. It is an opportunity to take time for yourself, to refocus on yourself and to listen to your needs.
Sinensem is a brand of teas and infusions from crops grown without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. The two creators Aline and Olivier, partners in business but also in life, aim to minimize their impact on the environment, as well as that of their brand. Also, the health of their consumers and that of the pickers working in the plantations are two important variables to take into account in their entrepreneurial approach.

The meeting between Aline and Violette

It all started during the preparation for the release of the London collection, which you know well. Violette needed to do a photo shoot of her feet with socks on a neutral background. Something she didn't have time to do during the big photo shoot in the pool.

So she gets a friend to recommend a photographer from Lyon: Aline. Because Aline, before being a businesswoman, is a photographer-retoucher. So the two set up a meeting to talk about the shooting and organize it. This is how Sinensem teas meet the socks from Atelier St Eustache.

It was during the photoshoot and after many conversations that Aline told Violette that she was also launching her brand with her partner. The tea brand remained in a corner of Violette's mind and it was when they moved into the offices at Passage Thiaffait that Violette bought her first boxes of Sinensem teas.

After purchasing a "competitive" kettle that allows you to adjust the water temperature and therefore fully enjoy a good tea, Aline and Olivier's beautiful little boxes came to stay with us.

And since then, not a day goes by without a delicious tea being tasted.

Among our favorites: Chinese Green Tea “Icy Embrace”, Jasmine Green Tea “Flowers of Wisdom” and Rooibos Pomegranate – Mango “Night Harvest”.

🍵 🍵

Atelier St Eustache chaussettes transparentes Créateurs Lyon Shooting Sinensem Thés

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